Sunday, May 1, 2016

Hey Tara Hunt The Drop In Personal Social Media Sharing Is Due To Generational Change

Tara Hunt created a LinkedIn vlog and blog that says personal sharing on Facebook is down 21 percent and the reason for this is a kind of social malaise. I disagree. I think the reason is generational change, both in people and technology. There has emerged a generation of people who share via private text message but not as much, if at all, via Facebook or Foursquare. It's to the point where I can easily claim the mayorship at places around the country where it was harder to do that even two years ago. Over that time we have had a splash of messaging devices and venture capitalists looking for the next killer app in that category. That money, in the past, would have went to a social media platform - far less so today. So we have a generation that texts a ton but shares less than we ever did. Instagram posts are used to install photos and because of its design, is not as much the personal sharing device as it is the "personal image" platform. You can post a photo, but I don't necessarily know where you are - that is secondary. What do you think? I am going to follow up with a vlog on how some people don't like social media open networking - the most active form of social media activity there is. Stay tuned.

a new vlog for Miami Focus Blog by Zennie62 staff or Zennie Abraham via Zennie62 On YouTube and via IFTTT

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